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Seitz wins all around silver

09.04.2011 17:39

A sensation in the German artistic gymnastics team: After Philipp Boy won gold, Elisabeth Seitz follows him and won silver in tonight´s finals of the 24 best.

The German Champion showed a brilliant performance going on the apparatuses in Olympic order. She managed a superb start of the all around, performing a perfect Yurchenko landing with 2.0 twists on the vault. Several thousand spectators cheered loudly for the girl from Mannheim and the judges rewarded her performance giving her 14.625 point. 

Afterwards the German darling of the public went onto her primary apparatus, the uneven bars. As had been the case in the qualifications, Elisabeth Seitz had no problems at all with the Def, Hindorff and Jägersalto. After a short insecurity in the handstand, she managed the Tsukahara dismount with a secure stand. 14.725 point and blasting applause by the spectators made the 17 year-old smile happily.

Sadly, title favourite Aliya Mustafina was injured straight at the beginning. When on the first apparatus, the vault, she landed badly and injured her knee. Nevertheless, she received the highest points (15.375) for her Amanar, a Randalf  on the table with 2.5 straight twists. The World Champion was unable though to finish her performance.

After the second apparatus, her team colleague Anna Dementyeva took over the lead in the total. The 16 year-old Russian was given 15.250 points on the beam. Her performance was rewarded with a lot of applause. The spectators also applauded happily to the rhythms of Diana Chelaru´s floor music. Her performance brought her 14.550 points. On the vault she managed a save landing and her Yurchenko brought her 14.350 point. Amelia Racea who is also from Russia was better than in the qualifications and showed a convincing performance on the bars which brought her 14.550 points.

Now Elisabeth Seitz had to convince the judges in the bars. Several small wobbles cost her some points, but in the end she received 13.625 points. After three apparatuses, she managed second place with altogether 42.975 points. Only the Russian Dementyeva was able to beat her on the floor with difficult elements and elegant choreography which brought her approximately one point more, thus 14.475. Diana Chelaru from Rumania came in third with 42.350 points.

Loud applause and cheers made it nearly impossible to hear Elisabteh Seitz´s music for the floor. Bent Tsukahara, double somersault bent and crouched-everything went perfectly! The judges gave her 13.725 points. Visibly relieved and happy, Elisabeth Seitz celebrated in the arms of her trainer Claudia Schunk her 56.700 points in the all around. After an exiting final competition she thus won the silver medal in the all around. 

In the end, the Russian Anna Dementyeva demonstrated a good Yurchenko with a twist that brought her 13.600 points. In total she received 57.475 points and therefore won the gold medal. The Rumanian Chelaru also did a very good job on the beam and was given 13.975 points. This brought her total up to 56.325 points and placed her initially behind Elisabeth Seitz, before being overtaken by her team colleague Amelia Racea who then won bronze with 56.600 points.

Elisabeth Seitz was more than happy after an exiting all around final: ”I trained a lot. My exercises were relatively secure, but I was never aware that it could get so good. Now I am just totally overwhelmed. It is like a dream.”

Seitz wins Silver