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Drawing of Lots

31.01.2011 16:47

On Monday, Jan. 31st 2011, the Drawing of Lots for the 2011 European Championships took place in the andel's Hotel Berlin, which is the official UEG-Hotel for the upcoming Championships. LOC- Managing Director Frank Ebel made the draw and pulled the lots with the country names.

The women's qualification on Wednesday, April 6th, will take place in four subdivisions. The men will hold their qualification on Thursday, April 7th, in three subdivisions.

The 2011 European Championships in Berlin are Individual European Championships. A team competition won't take place and through that already in the qualification the athletes of one team won't compete together, but separately in the various subdivisions. The deadline for the nominative entries of the participating countries is March 17th 2011. However, the decision for the starting order of their gymnasts, within the slots which were drawn for their country, can be made by the national team coaches at short notice until 24 hours before the beginning of the qualification. 

In addition to the draw for the qualification also the draw for the all-around and event- finals took place. Here, the starting order was drawn on the basis of the qualification placements. The finals will be held from April 8th - 10th.

<media 26103 _blank>>> Draw men's qualification</media> (Competition CI)
<media 26104 _blank>>> Draw men's all-around final</media> (Competition CII, drawn on the basis of the qualification placements)
<media 26105 _blank>>> Draw men's event finals</media> (Competition CIII, drawn on the basis of the qualification placements)<media 26106 _blank>

<media 26106 _blank>>> Draw women's qualification</media> (Competition CI)
<media 26107 _blank>>> Draw women's all-around fina</media>l (Competition CII, drawn on the basis of the qualification placements)
<media 26108 _blank>>> Draw women's event finals</media> (Competition CIII, drawn on the basis of the qualification placements)

Opening of the Drawing of Lots for the 2011 European
Championships with UEG-President Georges Guelzec
and DTB-President Rainer Brechtken, on the left
and right sides UEG- Press Officer Danielle Duchoud
and LOC- Managing Director Frank Ebel