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Sprossenwand - Magazin im DTB

Bui launches back

10.04.2011 09:52

Kim Bui grabbed the bronze medal at the uneven bars final. Gold goes to defending World and European Champion Elizabeth Tweddle.

There's only a short break before the athletes are back in front of a sold out arena - this time with the uneven bars and rings final. Once more, Tatiana Nabieva from Russia makes the audience gasp when she shows her straight Tkatchev. Her fantastic uneven bars routine earns her 15,075 points and the silver medal.  
Kim Bui also shows a perfect routine: Gienger, Jäger somersault, Pak and the Tsukahara dismount with a solid landing. She waves into the audience as she awaits her scores and the audience responds, celebrates the 22-year-old's comeback. They cheer even more when Bui gets 14.675 points and the bronze medal.

Elisabeth Seitz is once again in great shape and for the third time in a row, not even the Def is causing her any troubles. Unfortunately, she has to step out of her landing and the mat's boundary which puts her in fifth place 14.175 points.
World Champion Elizabeth Tweddle from Great Britain is last to perform and doesn't seem the tiniest bit nervous. Her elements are impressive, her planned element score is 6.7 for which she wasn't only rewarded with tremendous applause but also with 15.100 points. The 26-year-old manages to hold on to her title by a margin.
The last event of the day was the rings final. 23-year-old Thomas Taranu represented Germany and his clean routine earned him 14.925 points and a 7th place finish. Russian Konstantin Pluzhnikov was among the first to perform and took the lead with 15.850 points. His teammate Aleksandr Balandin won silver with 15.775 points and Greek Elftherios Petrounias earned 15.675 points and the bronze medal.